Toyama's first and only International School
An international school is a school where classes are taught in English.
In addition to English study, classes in math, Japanese, life (bible, social studies and science), physical education, music, and art are taught in English for the lower grades of elementary school.
Although there may be some anxiety about suddenly studying in English, we will carefully instruct children in small classes in English so that they can keep up with the class. One of the features of this school is that we are able to give them a helping hand.
In the early elementary grades, children study English intensively and are trained to read textbooks and books on their own.
This is the right school for these families and children!
- 英語を母国語のように身につけさせたい
- 高校、大学から留学させたい
- 両親が英語を話すため、日本の学校とコミュニケーションがとりづらい
- 日本の学校が合わなかった
‐ Want my child to learn English as if it were his/her native language
- Want to have students study abroad from high school or university
- Parents speak English, so it is difficult to communicate with Japanese school
- Not fit in Japanese school
As of 2024, the demand for free/alternative schools in Japan is increasing.
Some of the children who wish to enroll in our school are children who did not fit in at Japanese schools or were not attending school.
Our school is unique in that we value the individual, small class sizes, and Christian teachers, so we are able to accommodate these children.
They may be able to attend here and gain additional strengths such as English and international perspectives to prepare them for the world.
Our school is an international school, a free school, and an alternative school.